Monday, 26 October 2009

new camera part 2

it finally arrived at 4.45pm.... so i had to stay in from 8 this morning ..... all day just for a parcel.

anyway..... takes nice photos

new camera

having lost my camera about 3 months ago, we have been pretty short on the old postings here.
well today i have had to stay in all day to collect the new and improved camera, and so far no one has turned up. So it's been a bit of a pants day for the dogs..... and i still can't show you any photos.

It is half term however, so it's not all bad.


Tuesday, 6 October 2009

One day she's going to kill us for this one....

long time no post

Hello world,

Long time no message. In summary, we went on holiday to France(where Kate decided baths are ok after all, and also that ice cream is the way ahead), then to Polzeath, then around the country visiting the family. All very lovely. Then term started so we all got stressed, but the stress was alleviated by a very barbershoppy trip to London, and now we've topped it all off with buying (starting the process anyway) a very sensible house in Ivybridge. Saves a lot of time writing less often I reckon! Mary x