Saturday, 6 March 2010

Bagpuss all over again

So for simply the reason of tidying up, the Wonderful Ninky Nonk ended up being put in the window, and then all of a sudden a strange thing happened.....

Every single person in Oreston comes to stand and stop and look into our window, hours sometimes days they stand and stare and admire the workmanship.

Today, whilst at the shops ( a good mile away ) i over heard a mother and her son talking, and she was saying " no i don't think it is a real Ninky Nonk in the window"

It's like the shop window in bagpuss, and i feel like we are doing a retro service to the public, giving a focus for families to talk and discuss and smile and believe in something magical.

As for the boy at the shop....... i whispered to him that it was real when his mum wasn't looking, and told him the garden was behind the house.


Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Same old same old.... camera has gone again... this time i know where it is.....

so it will come back.

kate woke up from her sleep the other day, stretched and then said " oh , whats occurring?"


For us things have all happened very quickly, we are now moving house in a couple of weeks. On the 18th of March to the Rue street place, so house party, big roast dinners etc will all be possible sooner rather than later, plus Marys job all sorted itself out. So the graves are pretty pleased with things right now.... if only i had my camera!