Sunday, 22 August 2010

fab friends

Just love spending time with my friends and eating far too much food, and Tiki also likes eating too much food... as she stole a huge portion of lasagne from the kitchen side.... grrr!


Tuesday, 10 August 2010

Summer holidays

Well, it's all going well so far this holiday. A lovely week in a caravan in wales, back for a week at home, when I managed to floor the attic in a day, sort all the sheds / tools and gardening stuff out, have two days playing with kate and becoming number one dad. Then a weekend at the dartmoor folk festival that was great fun and again DRY! And today managed to spend lots of money on myself in town, followed by a completely pain free visit to dentist for the rebuilding of my broken tooth.

I've even manged to set a best time for my run up onto dartmoor with my new trainers this evening, and ran all the way to the top without a cheeky walk near the top...

something tells me my luck can not last like this, but happy to ride it whilst it does.
