Monday, 28 March 2011

skype with emma

Monday, 14 March 2011

and more...

more 2011 photos

Wow, just sorted out photos from all three cameras..... takes a while these days, turn on computer, dogs bark, get up sort them out, sit down again, ed starts crying, go sort out him, sit back down, dogs want letting out, sort them out... and so on and so on .......

anyway, so more photos of whats been happening this side of chrimbo....
and i promise to post more often...

Saturday, 5 March 2011


ed is asleep and snoring on top of mary, who happens to be asleep and snoring too.

must be the weekend.


Friday, 4 March 2011

naming the boy

so the deed is done, we have officially named him Edward charlie Graves... i was tempted at the last minute by Vladimir.... but i stopped myself just in the nick of time.

In other news, kate has had her first day of school... which she did not enjoy, and her second day... which she did not enjoy, and was heard this morning saying " I don't want to be three anymore!" this is obviously a little upsetting for all, but we are giving her lots of love and helping her through this difficult time.

I've got a running injury ... which is making me go stir crazy, a strain in my calf is stopping me from running, just as speeds were going up and times coming down, still at least it is a good 12 weeks before the half , and another 12 after that before i run across the moor. so i suppose i should just get on with it and let it rest properly, but with the sun now shining, i just want to run across the moor now.

Mary mary is doing really well and is acting like she didn't just spend 48 hours in labour... perhaps it's all the going to bed at 8 pm thats helping.
Finally, ed, he is as chilled as a chilled thing most of the time, but does like to fill up on milk every thirty seconds, rminds me of a Ghanaian filling up at a petrol station, whilst leaving his motor running.... after topping it up to the brim, about ten seconds later he found he could squeeze a little drop more in... and so on and so on and so on... for a full half hour, till i pointed out that if he turned the engine off... we could top it up and it would stop dropping....

anyway, we are all good, and happy and healthy and just dealing with the day to day stuff that comes around to everyone.
