Friday, 27 March 2009

Cloudless Dartmoor. Its March and its Cloudless ! and about 18 degrees! The next time i hear an English person complain about the weather I am going to ram the nearest Tor up their backside!
Come on Britain, its March and its simply fan - something - tastic!
Leon xx

And a couple of latest piccies. The first one is of Kate enjoying the push chair before it goes back (thanks Auntie Caroline and the gang for the loan!) Peekaboo never loses its charm. The second really is a run of the mill dinner fall out. The girl likes her food..... all over.

Here's an example of my brilliant photographic skills. This one is of Leon throwing Kate in the air and her laughing a lot.....

He says he's either just caught her, or he's thrown her a long way up.


We managed to catch the best of the weather on the Dewerstone. Here's a lovely one of the birthday Calds and Jasmine.

So we went for a posh lunch the weekend before last. Squealix and Kate just wanted to play twister, and Jambeans was as lovely as ever....

Monday, 9 March 2009

SOFA..... SOFA ... SOFA......


Millie xox

Dog walking

Saturday walking with Neil and Nic...... one of our favourite things to do at the weekend. Everytime I go down to the river the light is different coming off the water, this week we had a good old sea mist coming in ... twas lovely. Kate missed it of course, she was busy doing her favourite thing at the weekend.
We had a diet roast right after the walk ( i only used one pat of butter on the bird! and half a can of goose fat) and Mary and i ate until we passed out, perhaps out of spite that the fitness regine starts this next week.
We lay in bed arguing about who's turn it was to go to the gym tomorrow on the start of this new plan (neither of us wanted to go!!! ) oh what perfect start.
I won the arguement, and Mary is now at the gym as i write this.
Leon xx

Saturday, 7 March 2009

i love the beach - i don't care its raining, i need to poo in front of many other people, whilst they look at you and tut. In fact i will make sure that when i do start making piles of stuff , i will shuffle round in small circles so that it takes you ages to locate all the small break off bits of my mess, and then drag my butt along the sand with my back paws up round my ears. You should try it, old kellogg had a few ideas, but this rocks!

Tiki xx

So i upset the balance of the universe by moving the baby gate two feet!

But on the upside, school gave me a free palmtop for my endeavours on the diploma! I am such a boy when it comes to gadgets.... i will probably never use it, no scrub that, i will probably spend 5 or 6 hours setting it up and downloading the software, and then never use it.

Got a stack of marking to do - 61 year 7 geography projects....... so anything to cause some procrastination is welcomed..... i even did the washing up.

Tuesday, 3 March 2009

One good reason why it was high time for someone responsible to look after Kate.
On my last day of working in the home (as I've been insisting on), Kate, Sam, Sarah and I went to rhymetime and then lunch. In the lift to the restaurant, I touched Kate, and gave her an electric shock. "Oooh", I said, "a shock - sorry darling" - and touched her again to say sorry - of course giving her another shock. So Sarah said "did you give her a shock?" and touched her too....
Kate sat in her pram looking at us as if to say "will you two just back off please?"
Maybe I will do less damage at work.
From Mary x