Saturday walking with Neil and Nic...... one of our favourite things to do at the weekend. Everytime I go down to the river the light is different coming off the water, this week we had a good old sea mist coming in ... twas lovely. Kate missed it of course, she was busy doing her favourite thing at the weekend.
We had a diet roast right after the walk ( i only used one pat of butter on the bird! and half a can of goose fat) and Mary and i ate until we passed out, perhaps out of spite that the fitness regine starts this next week.
We lay in bed arguing about who's turn it was to go to the gym tomorrow on the start of this new plan (neither of us wanted to go!!! ) oh what perfect start.
I won the arguement, and Mary is now at the gym as i write this.
Leon xx
WOW that guy in the middle sure is handsome. And his girlfriend looks like a bit of all right.