Saturday, 14 November 2009
the most most amazing thing that happened over the last few weeks was a visit from the very talented Aunty-shoe-shopping. Kate was totally overwhelmed by the arrival of her very own hand crafted Ninky Nonk, complete with all the characters hiding in one of the carriages. Today (which wasn't our best day after someone got up a 4 am) the Ninky Nonk was the only thing that would console her at one point, and every other day she has to get her hand-crafted superior ITNG characers and show them to the screen when their less interesting generic equivalents come on.
This morning Leon and Kate invented a new game called "sheep, coffee". It involved them saying sheep and coffee alternating all the way to the woods. A lot in common those two...
Some recent Kate sayings:
No way Daddy
Go back Daddy
Eat now boy
Das boot (long explanation required for this one really, but her reading doesn't yet quite extend to German classics. She was actually referring to Dora the Explorer.)

Some recent Kate sayings:
No way Daddy
Go back Daddy
Eat now boy
Das boot (long explanation required for this one really, but her reading doesn't yet quite extend to German classics. She was actually referring to Dora the Explorer.)
Monday, 26 October 2009
new camera part 2
new camera
having lost my camera about 3 months ago, we have been pretty short on the old postings here.
well today i have had to stay in all day to collect the new and improved camera, and so far no one has turned up. So it's been a bit of a pants day for the dogs..... and i still can't show you any photos.
It is half term however, so it's not all bad.
well today i have had to stay in all day to collect the new and improved camera, and so far no one has turned up. So it's been a bit of a pants day for the dogs..... and i still can't show you any photos.
It is half term however, so it's not all bad.
Tuesday, 6 October 2009
long time no post

Hello world,
Long time no message. In summary, we went on holiday to France(where Kate decided baths are ok after all, and also that ice cream is the way ahead), then to Polzeath, then around the country visiting the family. All very lovely. Then term started so we all got stressed, but the stress was alleviated by a very barbershoppy trip to London, and now we've topped it all off with buying (starting the process anyway) a very sensible house in Ivybridge. Saves a lot of time writing less often I reckon! Mary x
Wednesday, 5 August 2009
Hello everyone. Nice trip to France - more on that later with some pics too.
In the meantime I've been noticing some things that I do with Kate that have reminded me of the same things happening when I was little. Probably a bit bigger than Kate's tender 18 months, but all the same its kind of cool remembering my stuff through her:
1) Walking along and having to run my hand along the walls / fences / railings etc that are alongside.
2) Standing on someone's feet while they're walking along. Weirdly I can't remember if it was Keith or Dad, but I do remember that one of the reasons I liked it so much was having a little bit of physical contact.
3) Having someone else do up the buckles of my shoes.
Also, found the biggest, fullest most grimmest tick in the world today, just chilling out on the chair. Grimsville central. Has goose bumps for ages. Ugh.
Mary x
In the meantime I've been noticing some things that I do with Kate that have reminded me of the same things happening when I was little. Probably a bit bigger than Kate's tender 18 months, but all the same its kind of cool remembering my stuff through her:
1) Walking along and having to run my hand along the walls / fences / railings etc that are alongside.
2) Standing on someone's feet while they're walking along. Weirdly I can't remember if it was Keith or Dad, but I do remember that one of the reasons I liked it so much was having a little bit of physical contact.
3) Having someone else do up the buckles of my shoes.
Also, found the biggest, fullest most grimmest tick in the world today, just chilling out on the chair. Grimsville central. Has goose bumps for ages. Ugh.
Mary x
Friday, 5 June 2009
Kate's latest funny stuff:
Phones are called "hello"s
Every small electronic item is a hello
Every phone conversation goes "hello? hello? yah, yah, yah, b bye"
Body slamming the dogs and Mummy is her latest game, along with blowing raspberries on my stomach, and flopping backwards on the sofa and laughing.
Finding her tummy button, and mine, no matter where we are.
Socks are sacrosanct - they must stay on regardless of the temperature, and can only come off just before she gets zipped into her sleeping bag at night.
Having breast milk in the morning in as many different positions as possible.
Sitting up on big chairs.
Everything is all about the dogs - Millie and Tiki - but especially Tiki - is what it is all about right now.
When she does a lion's roar, she has to whisper it, and we have no idea where that comes from.
Mary x
Phones are called "hello"s
Every small electronic item is a hello
Every phone conversation goes "hello? hello? yah, yah, yah, b bye"
Body slamming the dogs and Mummy is her latest game, along with blowing raspberries on my stomach, and flopping backwards on the sofa and laughing.
Finding her tummy button, and mine, no matter where we are.
Socks are sacrosanct - they must stay on regardless of the temperature, and can only come off just before she gets zipped into her sleeping bag at night.
Having breast milk in the morning in as many different positions as possible.
Sitting up on big chairs.
Everything is all about the dogs - Millie and Tiki - but especially Tiki - is what it is all about right now.
When she does a lion's roar, she has to whisper it, and we have no idea where that comes from.
Mary x
Tuesday, 26 May 2009
Portsmouth / southsea weekend
fab fab fab bank holiday weekend, little fuss ( chuff loads of traffic however) and as always the perfect host in David Neale. the weather behaved, so did the dogs, kate and Mary (most of the time).... twas only me that was naughty.
great breakfasts, great dinners and that kicked back relaxed feel that you only get with very few friends... both the wife and i feel totally relaxed now.... and about a stone heavier!
also managed to put the kite into the skies for the first time... and with barely a breathe of wind the kite flew well and definately gave us a hint of what is to come with some serious wind! I just know that there is a big accident just round the corner waiting to happen with that thing!
stopped off at steve and debs house on route home.... daniels birthday... so sunshine, beer and good food followed. just helped make the long weekend feel like a complete week off, fortunately... i have got a whole week off on top of that too.
leon x
great breakfasts, great dinners and that kicked back relaxed feel that you only get with very few friends... both the wife and i feel totally relaxed now.... and about a stone heavier!
also managed to put the kite into the skies for the first time... and with barely a breathe of wind the kite flew well and definately gave us a hint of what is to come with some serious wind! I just know that there is a big accident just round the corner waiting to happen with that thing!
stopped off at steve and debs house on route home.... daniels birthday... so sunshine, beer and good food followed. just helped make the long weekend feel like a complete week off, fortunately... i have got a whole week off on top of that too.
leon x
Thursday, 21 May 2009
Tuesday, 12 May 2009
our first BBQ of the summer

don't the garden look good.... not a dog shit in sight ( i threw them all over to the church)
lots of love

Mary x
Tuesday, 5 May 2009
Padstow to Fowey

much discussion about footware, snack times and how many more miles to go..... i think it was almost always " 3 more miles"... even when we reached Fowey!
The worst bit was being interviewed at the very end for ten minutes whilst a bench and a pub were both in sight.......
a classic day, and now i am walking like an old man round school...
big thanks to chris for organising.... my turn next year!
leon x
thelma - our new addition
Saturday, 25 April 2009
satsumas and work
Hello all,
Kate's latest exloit at the end of most meals these days goes like this:
me - do you want any banana?
kate - na
me - would you like any apple?
kate - na
me - how about some raisins?
kate - na
me - cheese?
kate - na
me - breadstick?
kate - na
me - are you finished? Full up?
kate - na
me - satsuma?
she points at it and goes to take it
me - ok dude, I'll just peel it for you then
so I peel the orange, pass her a segment
kate takes the satsuma, looks at it, then throws it across the room and says na
this has happened pretty much every day this week
What does she think - that satsumas grow on trees?
Also, work is going really well. Kate is totally happy with the childminder and so I am too, but Leon says he doesn't like being told how many soiled nappies kate has produced when he goes to pick her up. As some sort of response to Mama Musings, I know exactly what you mean and when you do get back out there it really will get much, much better. I think our generation has been raised to work, which makes it so much harder and more admirable to commit your whole time to caring for your children. xx
Mary x
Kate's latest exloit at the end of most meals these days goes like this:
me - do you want any banana?
kate - na
me - would you like any apple?
kate - na
me - how about some raisins?
kate - na
me - cheese?
kate - na
me - breadstick?
kate - na
me - are you finished? Full up?
kate - na
me - satsuma?
she points at it and goes to take it
me - ok dude, I'll just peel it for you then
so I peel the orange, pass her a segment
kate takes the satsuma, looks at it, then throws it across the room and says na
this has happened pretty much every day this week
What does she think - that satsumas grow on trees?
Also, work is going really well. Kate is totally happy with the childminder and so I am too, but Leon says he doesn't like being told how many soiled nappies kate has produced when he goes to pick her up. As some sort of response to Mama Musings, I know exactly what you mean and when you do get back out there it really will get much, much better. I think our generation has been raised to work, which makes it so much harder and more admirable to commit your whole time to caring for your children. xx
Mary x
Monday, 20 April 2009
So it all starts again
Day one of the new term and I am instantly thrown back into the firing line of the constant verbal abuse from a colleague. It has got so frequent that it is now ridiculously funny. I came home today and ranted at Mary about how unbelievable some of the things said to me are and realised i wanted to do more, so perhaps i might keep a record here of the things said..... i realise i should be careful about posting anything that could be read by anyone in the world, so protect the colourful characters of work i shall make everything up.
today's humourous offering
me ............ " good morning Mrs Splat, how was your holiday?"
Mrs splat........."you're wrong, you're wrong, you're wrong...... what did you say? ah never mind.... you're wrong anyway..... arsehole!"
school really feeds my sole you know.
today's humourous offering
me ............ " good morning Mrs Splat, how was your holiday?"
Mrs splat........."you're wrong, you're wrong, you're wrong...... what did you say? ah never mind.... you're wrong anyway..... arsehole!"
school really feeds my sole you know.
Wednesday, 15 April 2009
worming tablets
to anyone that knows me, please say to me "worming tablets!" next time you see me.....
As i have been writing the last post, the dog has been licking its arse constantly.
the sound is very off putting, and the sofa gets wet!
leon xx
As i have been writing the last post, the dog has been licking its arse constantly.
the sound is very off putting, and the sofa gets wet!
leon xx
most westest hill in england

hunkering down and having lunch on the top of a hill in the sunshine down in cornwall very close to to landsend/cape cornwall. others in the photo are the awesome Knights, they really should buy a round table. This was one of the best walks with children i have ever done. Just love that walk straight out of your hired cottage in the middle of nowhere... find a 2400 year old ruin, see almost 360 degree views of sea and have cheese sandwiches that you didn't even make at the best out of the wind spot known to man. if it hadn't been for the "get orf me land" mentality of a couple of land owners it would have been perfect.
leon xx
Friday, 27 March 2009
Monday, 9 March 2009
Dog walking

Saturday walking with Neil and Nic...... one of our favourite things to do at the weekend. Everytime I go down to the river the light is different coming off the water, this week we had a good old sea mist coming in ... twas lovely. Kate missed it of course, she was busy doing her favourite thing at the weekend.
We had a diet roast right after the walk ( i only used one pat of butter on the bird! and half a can of goose fat) and Mary and i ate until we passed out, perhaps out of spite that the fitness regine starts this next week.
We lay in bed arguing about who's turn it was to go to the gym tomorrow on the start of this new plan (neither of us wanted to go!!! ) oh what perfect start.
I won the arguement, and Mary is now at the gym as i write this.
Leon xx
Saturday, 7 March 2009

Tiki xx

So i upset the balance of the universe by moving the baby gate two feet!
But on the upside, school gave me a free palmtop for my endeavours on the diploma! I am such a boy when it comes to gadgets.... i will probably never use it, no scrub that, i will probably spend 5 or 6 hours setting it up and downloading the software, and then never use it.
Got a stack of marking to do - 61 year 7 geography projects....... so anything to cause some procrastination is welcomed..... i even did the washing up.
Tuesday, 3 March 2009
One good reason why it was high time for someone responsible to look after Kate.
On my last day of working in the home (as I've been insisting on), Kate, Sam, Sarah and I went to rhymetime and then lunch. In the lift to the restaurant, I touched Kate, and gave her an electric shock. "Oooh", I said, "a shock - sorry darling" - and touched her again to say sorry - of course giving her another shock. So Sarah said "did you give her a shock?" and touched her too....
Kate sat in her pram looking at us as if to say "will you two just back off please?"
Maybe I will do less damage at work.
From Mary x
On my last day of working in the home (as I've been insisting on), Kate, Sam, Sarah and I went to rhymetime and then lunch. In the lift to the restaurant, I touched Kate, and gave her an electric shock. "Oooh", I said, "a shock - sorry darling" - and touched her again to say sorry - of course giving her another shock. So Sarah said "did you give her a shock?" and touched her too....
Kate sat in her pram looking at us as if to say "will you two just back off please?"
Maybe I will do less damage at work.
From Mary x
Saturday, 28 February 2009
The dogs will also have to get used to a quiet home, the sofa not being used and the freedom of the lounge without being grabbed and poked at all times.... man they will be happy dogs.
i have just watched the english rugby team play the worst 80 minutes of rugby i have ever had to endure ... i am contemplating giving up watching, had it not been for martin johnsons reaction to the second sending off i probably would have done.
anyway, weekends rock.
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